Puppy's mum says: Retired Husband - Life is Good!

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Pharaoh Hound Information

Do you have a dog, and have questions about how to keep your dog happy? Is your new puppy having trouble settling in? Are you looking for a new puppy and aren't sure where to look?

I would love to help you with any of these issues, and more. My husband and I have bred many puppies over the last twenty years, and every puppy born at our home is important to us. Whether the puppy became a show dog or a much loved pet, it always remained 'our' puppy to some extent. We always cared about the wellbeing of that puppy.

I would love to be there for you too, if you have a new dog or pup, or if you're thinking of getting one, I would love to help you make the right choices for yourself, your family and for your puppy or dog.

Ask a question on this website, or make a comment. I'll answer you, I am here for you.

Mar 8, 2012

Retired Husband - Life is Good!

 My husband Graham retired from the Australian Public Service about a fortnight ago. He's learning how to sleep in, and very much enjoying not having to travel to the office five days a week. 

I was a little apprehensive about him being here with me all day, every day, but it's working out incredibly well. Graham's naturally inclined to getting out of bed earlier than me. He wakes  up and gets up to water the plants. 

When I was in charge of watering, sometimes I'd forget and the poor things would go thirsty. No more! It's handy with Graham there too, because if he wants to come along whenever I'm doing some shopping, he's more than happy to drive.

We've been to the bank to talk about money, and talked to Centrelink too, and everything seems to be going along nicely. Today Graham and I went to the Barossa Valley to buy some food, and on the way home we stopped at a brewery to taste some of their beers. 

I kept saying I didn't like beer, but I ended up trying every beer that Graham had (7 different ones). I was surprised at the differences in aroma and taste, and I ended up really getting into it. Once I was home again, I had to go and lie down for a power nap! It was a fun time today, just me and my man out in the lovely Barossa Valley!

I'm happy, Graham's happy, the dogs are happy, and even our son Jake is happy, well, I think he is, he's 18 and sometimes it's not easy to tell what he's feeling, happy, sad, bored, who knows?

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