Puppy's mum says: We have Fish as Well as Dogs!

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Pharaoh Hound Information

Do you have a dog, and have questions about how to keep your dog happy? Is your new puppy having trouble settling in? Are you looking for a new puppy and aren't sure where to look?

I would love to help you with any of these issues, and more. My husband and I have bred many puppies over the last twenty years, and every puppy born at our home is important to us. Whether the puppy became a show dog or a much loved pet, it always remained 'our' puppy to some extent. We always cared about the wellbeing of that puppy.

I would love to be there for you too, if you have a new dog or pup, or if you're thinking of getting one, I would love to help you make the right choices for yourself, your family and for your puppy or dog.

Ask a question on this website, or make a comment. I'll answer you, I am here for you.

Apr 3, 2012

We have Fish as Well as Dogs!

Our house is set on one and three quarters of land. It's separated out into different parts. There's the part our house is on, a fenced off backyard, fenced off pool area and a fenced off dog run.

The rest of our land has a fence all around it, different parts of the perimeter are able to be seen through or not, depending on which bit you're looking at. The front fence is a wire fence, easy to see through and get through.

The back fence though, is a high fence, and solid, so it adds privacy. The side fences are solid too for the back end of both.

Our fish pond is down the back of our place, near the back fence. We have a few pepper trees down there and other trees too. The pond is shaded for most of the day, and our fish are doing well down there, even though the water's a disgusting colour at the moment!

Anyway, I go and count the fish sometimes, sit there watch the splish splash of the fish and sometimes I write poetry there. It's a lovely way to de-stress. I wrote a bit about this and posted it  on my Facebook page today - this is what I wrote:

OK everyone, it's time for the Cordon Family Fish Pond Critter Count Report. 

'After a total fish count of a week or so ago of 10 fish, I can report things have changed, finally! So what did I count critter-wise? I counted eleven different swishy fishy, one inquisitive frog checking things out, and one buzzy bee collecting pollen from the Pepper tree blossom next to my face.

I heard the barking of one small dog, and various tweets from unseen birds.

A successful session down by the pond!'

I've received some lovely comments from some of my Facebook friends, and if you have any fish pond stories, please share them here - I'd love to read about your fish pond!

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