Puppy's mum says: My Dogs don't love rain!

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Sep 29, 2011

My Dogs don't love rain!

It's been so rainy today, none of the dogs want to go outside. I don't either - rain and cold don't make a lovely spring day.

I'll have to let them out, or kick them out, at some stage though. The young pharaoh hounds, brother and sister Lah Dee and Missy are asleep on the dog sofa, their mother is asleep in her crate in the other end of the house and schnauzer Nena is asleep in her crate. It's very peaceful.

Having the dogs separated like this is now the way it has to be. The four of them had a battle for supremacy last Sunday and blood was shed. I hate dog fights and I'm glad it ended with only bad injuries, not terrible injuries. 

Missy was the loser for the day - much bleeding from one leg and a trip to the vet on Monday and another trip Thursday. I wish we could go back to having the dogs all loose in the house, but I'm not going to risk it when I'm the only human in the house.

It was sweet when all four dogs would sleep on the sofa together. It's sure not sweet when and all in brawl erupts with teeth and snarls all around.

Oh well, at least dogs like to sleep for many hours every day - it makes for a quiet day with them sleeping and not getting nasty with each other.Owning a pack of dogs can lead to interesting times, but I'll be happy if times stay quiet and boring. It's easier and it's cheaper!

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